Why is that?

The Answer is:

If a vehicle drives in a straight line at high speed for a long time, it will cause the driver’s vision to become fatigued, attention to be distracted, and even lead to drowsiness, which is unsafe. Therefore, driving on a road that changes from straight to curved will stimulate the driver’s concentration better.

Not to mention, builders also consider that a powerful vehicle can easily climb a steep road, but a heavily loaded truck or a passenger vehicle cannot. Moreover, a road with a straight, steep incline is extremely dangerous when descending, as it is difficult to control speed. A steep incline can also affect the driver’s visibility, making it hard to see ahead.

When designing curves, builders try to increase the curve radius and reduce centrifugal force, allowing vehicles to handle the turn more easily even at high speeds.

In summary, while winding roads may take more time to travel, they ensure greater safety. Driving on a steep, straight road is akin to playing a dangerous game that most people wouldn’t want to try.

Enchanting Equine: Rare Foal’s Remarkable Facial Markings Stun Onlookers

When Scott and Jackie Nelson first laid eyes on Coconut the horse, they were astonished to discover she hailed from Melbourne, Florida.

With over three million admirers captivated by her distinctiveness, the Nelsons felt compelled to capture her beauty when she was just two days old, eager to showcase her to the world.

At the tender age of two, the couple, proprietors of the Down Under Colour ranch where they breed horses, decided to introduce Coconut to the outdoors while filming the momentous occasion.

Described on YouTube as a War Horse, Coconut boasts remarkably rare markings. In Native American culture, War Horses were revered, often ridden by chiefs or medicine men, spiritual leaders of their communities.

To qualify as a War Horse, they must possess specific features such as one blue eye encircled by distinctive markings and a shield pattern on their chest.

In Native American lore, this eye is known as the Sky Eye. It was believed that this single blue eye could guide the spirits of a fallen Chief or Medicine Man to their gods, particularly in the event of their demise in battle. This mystical quality adds to Coconut’s allure and uniqueness.

Witness Coconut’s striking presence in the video below and experience her extraordinary beauty firsthand.

If the story of this exceptional foal has touched you as it did the Nelsons, feel free to share her tale with others.

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