Prince William and Kate Middleton have a strategy to protect Prince Louis from the so-called “Spare curse,” ensuring he avoids the challenges often faced by royal siblings not directly in line for the throne.

Prince Louis and Princess Charlotte are not likely to become king or queen, as their brother Prince George is second in line to the throne after their father, Prince William. However, they will still have important roles within the Royal Family.

Their uncle, Prince Harry, has voiced concerns that Charlotte and Louis might feel like the “spare,” much like he did growing up as William’s younger brother. However, William and Kate Middleton are said to be taking a different approach to raising their children, ensuring they don’t face the same struggles as Harry.

With the Royal Family evolving, Louis and Charlotte are being raised in a more modern way than previous generations. Prince William and Kate are reportedly planning to give them opportunities outside of royal life, helping them find their own paths while still supporting the monarchy.

Louis, who just turned six and became fourth in line to the throne after Queen Elizabeth II’s passing, may follow a role similar to that of Princess Anne, contributing to royal duties without the pressure of becoming monarch. Prince Harry has expressed his concerns about his nephew’s future, fearing that Louis may face the same challenges he did as the “spare,” but William and Kate are actively working to avoid that fate for him.

Despite Harry’s remarks about William’s children in his memoir Spare, royal experts say it’s none of his business, emphasizing that Louis and Charlotte’s futures are William and Kate’s responsibility, not Harry’s. The Prince and Princess of Wales seem intent on ensuring their younger children feel valued and special, with encouragement to pursue their own interests beyond royal life.

The royal expert emphasized that Prince William and Kate Middleton are keen on helping Prince Louis find a meaningful life, suitable for the son of a future king. They aim for him to feel a sense of purpose, no matter his position in the line of succession, likely through service, as they’ve always stressed the importance of empathy and kindness.

Camilla Tominey, another royal expert, believes that William and Kate want both Charlotte and Louis to pursue their own careers if they choose to. She noted that they don’t want Louis to become a “royal hanger-on,” like some minor royals in the past, and prefer that their children have lives that aren’t solely dependent on royal duties.

Tominey mentioned that Prince William and Kate have made efforts to normalize their children’s lives, with a strong possibility that Charlotte and Louis will have their own careers alongside royal commitments. However, finding the balance between personal ambitions and royal responsibilities is key.

As for Prince Louis, he has become a favorite among royal fans but hasn’t appeared at many public events. Experts like Lizzie Robinson have explained that William and Kate are carefully managing his public exposure. They decide on a case-by-case basis which events are appropriate for Louis, who is still quite young.

Sporting events are a passion for the royal couple, and while Louis hasn’t yet attended high-profile events like Wimbledon or Euro 2024, royal reporters say it’s simply because he’s still too young. At six years old, Louis has time to grow, and the public will see more of him when the time is right. For now, his focus should be on enjoying his childhood.

Husband receives photo from his wife, then immediately wants a divorce – full story here

Husband receives photo from his wife, then immediately wants a divorce

A picture is worth more than a thousand words. Photos are an important part of our lives. Holiday memories, how cute your pet is, the beauty of your partner: it can all be captured in a photo. Still, sometimes it’s better not to Iook too much into the details, because who knows, you might come across something that you previously overlooked.

Something that has enormous consequences…John Baker also experienced this: he saw something in a photo of his wife that made him want to divorce her immediately. It’s difficult to see, but when you take a close look, you’ll be abIe to see it. Why she sent the photo to him and what has he seen? You will hear about it below. Have you noticed it in the photo above? If not, read on quickly.

John and Chloe
John and Baker Chloe had been married for five years and lived in San Francisco. The American couple had a special reIationship. John traveled the world for work and was sometimes away from home for weeks, while Chloe spent her time volunteering at various charities in the city. Because Chloe was home alone so often, she was in charge of the household. When John was home for a week, he had to obey his wife’s house rules. This had caused tensions at first, but eventually John had resigned himself to it. He had long been happy to have such a beautiful wife to come home to.

John Baker
The husband, John, had a good job as a sales representative for a technology company. This company had customers and partners all over the world, so John was often away from home for work for weeks. He always flew first class and slept in the most beautiful hoteI rooms. His life consisted of luxury. Still, John loved being home with the love of his life, Chloe.

When John was on a business trip, the couple often spoke on the phone. Chloe had said early in their relationship that she didn’t like video calling, so the couple didn’t see each other for weeks. John often sent a seIfie when he arrived on location, but he couldn’t expect the same from Chloe. He was used to this. John wanted to see his wife more often. Be careful what you wish for…

Chloe Baker
Chloe was a stunning, popular woman with a huge circle of acquaintances. Because of her large network, she was a welcome guest at fundraisers and other events. Because John had such a good job, Chloe didn’t have to work herself. She spent her time supporting charities. Thus she filled her days with something that was good for the world. In addition, Chloe also took good care of herself.

She loved going out, good food and shopping, which she preferred to do with friends. Chloe was known as a very sociable person and liked to strike up a conversation with everyone. Waiters, shop assistants and other unknown men sometimes mistook this for fIirting. Chloe’s single friends were very happy about this because Chloe always referred these men to them. That used to be different…

In the past, Chloe had earned her money as a model. She had even made it to Playboy as a playmate. During this time, Chloe had been single and thoroughly enjoyed all the male attention that this job entailed. Chloe had met her future husband John while working. She modeIed at a world-famous car show, where she was hired by the car brand to promote their latest model. Thousands of men were walking, but her eye fell on John as soon as he entered the room. It was love at first sight for her. For John it was different…

At the car show
That day, John was looking for a new car with his then-girlfriend, Heather. The couple had driven the same sedan for years, but now that John had started earning more money, there was room to purchase a new car. The day had turned out completely differently than the couple had expected. The car show was very busy. The couple had been waIking around for a few hours but had not yet come across their dream car. John had just been promoted at work and was very happy.

He’d just gone to the bathroom and was walking back to Heather when he saw something that seemed to freeze the world around him. Heather turned out not to be who he thought she was…

The other man
Right in front of him, a strange man in a suit approached Heather and kissed her. Heather was clearly shocked, but she seemed to know the man. A heated argument erupted as Heather struggled to keep whispering. John approached the two. Heather was shocked when John confronted them about the situation. The other man seemed just as surprised and outraged as John. “Who the hell are you?” he asked John. “I can ask the same of you!” John responded. Heather couId have sunk through the ground. Everything became clear quickly…

It turned out Heather had been in a relationship with the man she met at this fair for a year. The other man hadn’t known about John any more than he had about the man: they had both been fooled. Neither of the men knew that their girlfriend was in a relationship with someone else. This was quite a downer for John. He had a bright future ahead of him and was deepIy in love with Heather. The unknown man stomped out of the room and John never saw him again. John angrily demanded that Heather leave. She did this, leaving John alone in the room.

The meeting
John had sat down in a chair with his head between his hands. Chloe had watched the whole scenario from a distance and decided to walk over to him. “That looked intense,” she said. “Is everything alright?”. John tried to brush off the unknown woman with a few reassuring words. This did not go well for him, because he burst into tears. ChIoe got John a drink and the two started talking. After a few hours of talking about Heather, John’s new job, and today’s bizarre event, the show had come to an end without them realizing it. Chloe was worried about John. John promised to call her that evening to confirm he had arrived home safely.

The phone conversation
Once home, John decided to dial Chloe’s number. Before he knew it, another 3 hours had flown by. This time they had talked about Chloe’s career, her dreams, aspirations, and her wishes. John found that he could talk to her very well, but in his head, there was only room for Heather. Heather came to collect her things the next day. John had less trouble with it than he had expected. He was especially looking forward to calling Chloe again. He did this right after she left the house. Again the hours flew by: the two couldn’t stop talking.

The very beginning
After a few weeks on the phone, John took the plunge and asked Chloe out to dinner. He was over Heather by now and his eyes were on the gorgeous modeI who had comforted him at the motor show. She said yes. He took her to one of the most luxurious restaurants in town, where they talked and laughed until the late hours over an expensive bottle of wine. Afterwards, they took a taxi to John’s apartment, where they continued their evening. One date became two, two became more. Chloe, unlike John’s ex, seemed trustworthy.

The relationship
It wasn’t long before the couple decided to move in together. They had been together for a year now and the future smiled upon them. It was a rare occurrence for them to sleep in their own house at this point, so a logical next step was to officially move in together. There was just something that gnawed at John.

Something wasn’t quite right for him. Living together was quite a big thing for him, because it had ended in such a bad way last time. He wanted to make sure this didn’t happen again. That’s why there was one condition he wanted to pIace on Chloe. The condition really scared her…

The condition
One evening, after they went to the movies together, John decided to make his condition known to Chloe. He only hoped she would take it the right way, because he didn’t mean any wrong with it. He certainly trusted her, but something wasn’t quite right for him. It would be very good for his peace of mind if she accepted his condition. “I want to ask you something”, John began. “I would like to make a request, before we choose to Iive together”. Chloe had no idea what John would ask her, but she was willing to do anything to make him happy. She was looking forward to moving in with her love.

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