Poodle that lost both legs in horrific car crash now bounces around like a kangaroo and ‘is happier than ever’

Jumping on her two hind legs, this happy poodle moves more like a kangaroo than a dog after losing her front legs in a car crash.  

The pup named Cora Rose was destined for euthanasia after her legs and pelvis were shattered in the accident in Stockton, California last year.

But Zach Skow, 39, and his wife Heather, 32, rescued her from an animal shelter and paid $10,000 for life-saving medical treatment. 

The determined pooch at first used a cart to get around but now spends most of her time bouncing around on her hind legs.

Mr Skow, who has four other dogs and cares for 115 through his charity Marley’s Mutts, said: ‘Of all our dogs, Cora Rose is the happiest.

‘Dogs can bounce back so quickly – she jumps, hops, all day long – she’s very strong.

‘She’s so resilient. Her quality of life is through the roof – losing her two front legs hasn’t starved her of anything.’

The couple first came across Cora Rose at the City of Stockton Animal Shelter in California, where staff were considering euthanasia after the December 2017 crash.

When they rescued Cora Rose, she had one leg in a cast and was suffering an osteo infection in the other, caused by bone protruding through the skin turning septic.

Mr Skow, who has four other dogs and cares for 115 through his charity Marley’s Mutts, said: ‘Of all our dogs, Cora Rose is the happiest’

After the operation, it took two months for the poodle to heal and then she could finally use her cart to get around

After the operation, it took two months for the poodle to heal and then she could finally use her cart to get around

Mr Skow, who has a six-month-old daughter, said: ‘That kind of infection is like cancer for dogs.

‘The leg needed to be amputated immediately. One leg at a time had to be amputated, because she would have been under anaesthesia for too long if we had done both.

‘After surgery, she had a hard time because she still had a shattered hip and still couldn’t move properly.

‘It took two months to heal, and then she could finally use her cart to get around.’

Now, seven months after the surgery in March this year, sprightly Cora Rose is hopping around like nothing happened.

Mr Skow says Cora Rose and the other pups rescued him from alcoholism.

Now, several months after the surgery in March this year, sprightly Cora Rose is hopping around like nothing happened

He founded Marley’s Mutts in 2009 and says the animals are what helped him get sober.

Mr Skow, who also has a pig, horse and cat, said: ‘I had cirrhosis of the liver and needed a transplant.

‘My weight dropped from 183 lbs to 140 lbs, my skin was yellow and I had to use a catheter.

‘I had fantasized about ways of taking my own life. I didn’t recognize myself in the mirror. I looked like an old man.

‘One day I was weeping and crying when I looked back to see my dogs looking at me.

‘It made me realize that I was still the leader of their pack. They could still see the man inside.

‘The next day I started walking with them. Everywhere I went I had dogs with me.

‘Walking with the dogs meant I became healthy enough to undergo a liver transplant, but six months later doctors told me I didn’t even need one any more.

‘I never set out to be a dog rescuer, but they saved me.

‘Now we rescue hundreds of dogs a year. It’s the most heartwarming thing you can do.’

Mr Skow, who also has a pig, horse and cat, took in Cara Rose (pictured after the operation)Continue Reading

The starving puppy abandoned at the construction site was thankfully looked after by my friend

There are stories in the broad tapestry of life’s exceptional experiences that encapsulate the essence of compassion, camaraderie, and the unbreakable relationship between humans and animals. The touching story of my dear friend’s rescue of a small puppy from the midst of a construction site exemplifies these principles.

The story begins in the frantic world of construction, which is filled with noise, dust, and machines. A tiny, defenceless puppy found herself alone in this chaotic environment, a small oasis of vulnerability amidst the concrete and steel. Her presence was almost symbolic, serving as a reminder of the great bond that exists between humans and animals. It was a pledge to protect, to nurture, to assure her safety in the face of adversity.

My companion reached out her hand, guided by an unmistakable sense of obligation, to save this frail life from the construction mayhem. She set off on an unusual quest, traversing the dangers of the construction zone in order to get to the bottom of the puppy’s plight. It was more than just a protective gesture; it was a profound act of compassion, a beacon of hope for this tiny soul despite the rigours of her environment.

The story of my friend’s puppy rescue serves as a reminder that commissions have no boundaries. It emphasises the significance of extending a helping hand and providing protection regardless of the circumstances. It motivates us to be alert and mindful of those in need, no matter how unexpected or difficult the circumstance may be.

The genuine substance of my friend’s gesture of generosity is her commitment to this puppy’s well-being. It crosses boundaries and highlights the importance of extending a helping hand and rising above the circumstances. It is a monument to the power of empathy and compassion, reminding us all that kindness can grow even in the most unlikely places.

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