Neighbor Wouldn’t Turn Off His Bright Floodlights at Night, I Deftly Managed the Situation and Maintained Harmony

When my neighbor wouldn’t turn off his bright floodlights at night, my husband and I needed a clever solution to keep the peace.

When the Thompsons moved in next door, they seemed friendly. My wife, Gia, and Susan, the neighbor, quickly bonded while chatting over unpacked boxes. We thought we finally had some neighbors our age to socialize with. Mark, the husband, was often away for work, while Susan stayed home and had a long list of phobias, including fear of the dark, thunderstorms, snakes, clowns, and spiders.

As time passed, Susan’s fear of the dark created an issue that affected Gia and me. Their floodlights, installed soon after they moved in, were excessively bright, like those outside prisons. Gia joked that they could probably be seen from space.

Despite our attempts to address the issue, Susan insisted she needed the lights on for safety when Mark was away. We tried thick curtains and rearranging our bedroom, but nothing helped. After a week of sleepless nights, I approached Susan, asking her to turn off the floodlights after midnight, as they shined directly into our bedroom. She explained her need for safety and refused my suggestion to install a timer.

After several attempts to reason with her and Mark, who felt similarly protective of Susan, we continued to lose sleep. Frustrated, I considered drastic measures, like unscrewing the bulbs or using a pellet gun, but Gia reminded me to stay calm. Instead, she suggested a harmless plan while she and Susan went out for nails.

The next day, I climbed a ladder and slightly unscrewed each bulb to disrupt the connection. That night, when Susan turned on the lights, they flickered and went out. Gia and I finally enjoyed peaceful sleep. Surprisingly, days turned into weeks, and the lights stayed off.

However, one day, I saw Mark fixing the bulbs again. The floodlights blazed back to life that night, and I knew I had to repeat my trick. This cycle continued for months—every time Mark tightened the bulbs, I loosened them.

Then one Saturday, as I trimmed the hedges, Mark approached me. He mentioned his floodlights kept going out, and I managed to keep a straight face while agreeing it might be due to vibrations from the street. I suggested he could leave them off, and he seemed to consider it. After that conversation, Gia and I enjoyed our peaceful, dark evenings once again.

My Boyfriend ‘Forgets’ His Credit Card Every Time We Go Out To Eat, So I Have To Pay For Everyone

A woman dated her boyfriend for nine months, and they often went out to eat with his two children. However, she noticed a pattern – he would “forget” his wallet, leaving her to pay the bill. This happened multiple times, leaving her broke. She felt like she was being taken advantage of, and her financial situation was suffering.

One night, she reminded him to bring his wallet, but he laughed it off. At the restaurant, his children ordered expensive meals, and when she asked about his wallet, he claimed to have forgotten it again. She had had enough and left the restaurant, refusing to pay for them again.

Her boyfriend called her selfish, saying she had no sympathy for him and his children. He claimed he had to cancel their food order and take them home hungry. However, the woman felt it wasn’t fair to always expect her to pay. “I’m not prepared to pay for him and his children each time we go on a date. I don’t feel it’s fair,” she said. She was tired of being taken advantage of and wanted a more equal relationship.

Redditors sided with the woman, believing her boyfriend was using her. They pointed out that his consistent “forgetfulness” was likely a tactic to take advantage of her kindness. The woman stood by her decision, and the community supported her, saying she had every right to prioritize her own financial well-being.

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