When we share our lives online, we often face criticism. This young couple, who love sharing pictures of each other, received negative comments about their relationship.
However, their response to the criticism is smart and reminds us how important it is to stand by our beliefs.
The story of Matt and Brittany Montgomery is a familiar but beautiful one. The couple met, fell in love, and began their life together.
While this may seem like a typical situation, the couple’s story has a unique twist: their size difference. Brittany has struggled to find acceptance throughout her life. She didn’t have a secure relationship with her parents, who were often controlling, and their interactions left her feeling drained.
These experiences led her to have low confidence in herself and her body. As a plus-sized woman, Brittany often found herself attracting two types of men: those who wanted her to lose weight or those who fetishized her curves. These negative experiences made her want to stop dating altogether and shut herself off from the chance of finding love.
While they fully accept each other, they’ve experienced judgment from the outside world. Matt mentioned, “People comment on Instagram and suggest that I’m not big enough or man enough for her.” He also said, “I notice people staring at us when we walk down the street…”
Despite the criticism they face from those who don’t understand their strong bond, the couple shares nothing but love for one another.
Matt has had bad experiences with conventionally sized women in the past. However, Brittany makes him feel different and has helped him realize that she is his true soulmate. He accepts her as she is and focuses on making her happy. He isn’t shy about publicly expressing his love for her. In a post dedicated to Brittany, he wrote, “You are worthy, you are deserving of infinite love every single day and more. The way I look at you and feel for you, and the way you look and feel for me, is how I know that we are meant to be.”
His message shows that despite the rude comments they receive on their pictures, he loves his wife, and their connection goes far beyond the physical. What a strong response to the haters!
The couple aims to break the stigma surrounding “mixed-weight” relationships. Brittany expressed, “I wish mixed-weight relationships were more common and accepted as the norm.”

The young couple welcomed their child, Lakelyn, in March 2022, and just last month, they announced they are expecting their second child in September 2023. We wish them all the best!
Owner tells dog he passed all the treats to the cats, over 200 million have watched his reply

Known as the ‘epitome of canine hilarity,’ this viral sensation has solidified its reputation with an impressive 205 million views. Dubbed ‘The Summit of Doggy Comedy’ across YouTube, this video, celebrated for its contagious laughter, has recently made a triumphant return, much to the joy of its dedicated fan base.
Within this uproarious one-minute and twenty-second gem, a dog parent indulges in a lively exchange with their furry companion, all centered around delectable treats from the meat drawer.
The comedic brilliance lies in the seamless incorporation of a voiceover by the owner, crafting the illusion that the dog is actively engaged in the conversation.
The banter begins with the owner casually mentioning the contents of the meat drawer, highlighting the tantalizing presence of maple bacon. The dog’s responses, filled with humorous “yeahs” and “okays”, create the illusion of participation.
The interplay of the owner’s robust, masculine voice and the dog’s charmingly innocent and ‘goofy’ demeanor heightens the comedic charm, beautifully complementing the canine’s adorable eyes and curious nature.
As the dialogue unfolds, a surprising twist emerges. The owner admits to having enjoyed the maple bacon himself, leaving the dog in suspense. The dog’s reactions, a blend of disappointment and disbelief, are humorously conveyed through expressive “yeah?” and “yeah?” responses, seemingly pleading for a taste of the coveted bacon.
The storyline takes an unforeseen direction when the owner confesses to indulging in other delicacies from the meat drawer, including beef and chicken smothered in cheese and cat treats. With each revelation, the dog’s hopeful anticipation transforms into audible yawns, cleverly edited to convey profound disappointment.
The impeccable comedic timing and inventive editing effectively magnify the absurdity of the scenario.
Predictably, the video swiftly catapulted to viral status, amassing a staggering 205 million views and still climbing. Viewer feedback consistently reflects the consensus that this creation stands unrivaled in the realm of online hilarity.
Remarks like: “Eternally the pinnacle of internet entertainment”, and “A source of morale for eight years straight!” underscore the enduring adoration for this canine comedic masterpiece.
It’s clear that this uproarious exchange strikes a chord with audiences on a deeply personal level, as many can envision themselves engaging in similar banter with their own beloved pets. With its timeless charm, this video seems destined to continue spreading joy well into the future.
If you’ve yet to experience the infectious laughter this gem inspires, treat yourself and hit ‘play’ on the video below. And don’t forget to share this comedic treasure with your loved ones for an instant mood lift.
If you’ve yet to experience the infectious laughter this gem inspires, treat yourself and hit ‘play’ on the video below. And don’t forget to share this comedic treasure with your loved ones for an instant mood lift.
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