I Came Home to My Husband and His Ex Digging My Garden, What They Hid Years Ago Made Me Pale

From the start, he was kind and attentive, always willing to listen to me vent about my day, never once distracted by his phone or looking bored. He was everything I thought I needed.

What sealed my affection for him was when he showed up on my doorstep with homemade chicken soup and a collection of my favorite rom-coms. “Everyone needs a little TLC when they’re feeling down,” he said with that charming smile of his.

This is it, I thought. This is the man I’ve been waiting for.

One of the things that endeared Martin to me was his nervous stammer. When he was anxious or stressed, his words would stumble over each other, and I found it adorable. It made him feel more real, more human.

Like the time, a month into our relationship, when he took me to a fancy Italian restaurant for our “monthiversary.” He was passionately explaining the new accounting software at his firm, waving his fork around, when it slipped from his hand, sending tomato sauce all over his shirt. His face turned beet red.

“I-I’m s-s-sorry,” he stammered, looking mortified. “I d-didn’t m-mean to m-mess up.”

I reached across the table, took his hand, and smiled. “It’s okay. Red suits you.”

He laughed, and the tension melted away. That moment solidified my belief that he was someone I could truly be with.

As our relationship grew, Martin opened up about his past, especially about his ex-wife, Janet. He painted a picture of her as someone constantly chasing more—more money, more status, more things. “Nothing was ever enough for her,” he’d say, shaking his head. Their marriage crumbled under the weight of her demands, according to him.

“I couldn’t keep up with her. It felt like I was drowning, and she just kept pushing me under,” he confessed one night. I vowed I’d never be that way—I would love him for who he was, not for what he could provide.

So, when he proposed a year into our relationship, I didn’t hesitate. Our wedding was intimate and beautiful, and it was the happiest day of my life.

But last Tuesday, everything changed.

I had just returned from visiting my mother and decided to surprise Martin with his favorite lasagna. As I pulled into our driveway, I slammed on the brakes when I saw two figures digging in our garden—Martin and Janet.

For a moment, I thought my eyes were deceiving me. What were they doing together? And why were they destroying my garden?

I stormed out of the car and marched over to them. “What’s going on?” I demanded, anger rising in my voice.

Martin froze, dropping the shovel. “M-M-Margaret! Y-you’re h-home early!” His familiar stammer only confirmed my suspicions—he was hiding something.

All the worst thoughts flooded my mind. Was he cheating? Why was Janet here? Why were they digging up our yard?

“We were just…” Martin began, but Janet interrupted.

“She deserves to know, Martin,” she said, wiping her hands. “We buried a time capsule here, ten years ago.”

“A time capsule?” I echoed in disbelief.

“Yes, from when we lived here together,” Janet explained, gesturing to the metal box at their feet. “We always planned to dig it up someday.”

Martin looked sheepish. “Y-yeah, we thought it’d be fun to reminisce.”

I stood there, stunned. “So, you decided to destroy my garden for your little trip down memory lane?”

“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t think—”

“No, you didn’t,” I snapped before walking into the house, slamming the door behind me. Inside, I paced back and forth, trying to wrap my head around what just happened. How could Martin keep this from me? And why on earth would he prioritize his past with Janet over our life together?

I heard the front door open and the sound of hushed voices. Then Martin called out, “Margaret? Can we talk?”

I stepped into the hallway, where they stood with the muddy time capsule between them.

“What’s there to talk about?” I asked coldly.

“Please, let us explain,” Martin pleaded. “It’s not what you think.”

Janet chimed in. “We just wanted to look back. There’s nothing more to it—”

“Fine,” I interrupted. “Go ahead and dig up the past. I’ll be outside.”

I stormed out of the house, feeling a mixture of anger and betrayal. As I looked at the mess they’d made of my garden, an idea formed in my mind.

I gathered wood for a bonfire. By the time the fire was roaring, the sun had set. I could hear Martin and Janet laughing inside, likely over something from the time capsule. I called out, “Why don’t you bring that stuff out here? We could have a bonfire.”

They joined me, bringing the capsule with them. I picked up a handful of its contents—old photos, letters, trinkets. Without hesitation, I tossed them into the flames.

“What are you doing?” Janet gasped.

“Burnt bridges should stay burnt,” I said firmly. “It’s time to focus on the future, not the past.”

As I watched the fire consume their memories, I realized something—Martin wasn’t the perfect man I thought I’d married. He was flawed, just like anyone else.

Janet backed away, her face pale. “I think I should go.”

Neither Martin nor I stopped her as she left. Once we were alone, Martin turned to me with tears in his eyes.

“I’m so sorry, Margaret,” he said. “I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t know how to tell you about the capsule. I was afraid you’d think I still had feelings for Janet. I just wanted to get it done before you came back. I messed up. Can you forgive me?”

“I don’t know,” I replied, staring at the fire. “You’ve broken my trust, Martin. That’s not something you fix overnight.”

“We have a lot to talk about,” I continued. “But not tonight. Tonight, I need some space.”

“I’ll sleep on the couch,” Martin said, defeated, before retreating into the house.

I stayed by the fire as it slowly died down. The garden would need to be replanted. New seeds, new life. Maybe our relationship could be the same.

Only time would tell which path we’d choose. But one thing was certain: Martin would never be the same in my eyes.

What would you have done if you were in my place?

A horror movie is so gross and disturbing that it’s been banned in more than 40 countries. In fact, someone even got arrested for showing it!

Warning: The content of this piece may upset some readers.

Most people enjoy getting a little scared by a horror movie every once in a while, right? The kind that’s packed with blood, guts, and surprise moments that you can’t forget.

But do you think you could handle the most talked-about horror movie out there? This one is on another level.

We’re not talking about something like Sydney Sweeney’s Immaculate, which might cause a little buzz because of its satanic themes.

We’re talking about a horror movie so extreme that it’s been banned in over 40 countries. Yes, seriously!

It even got a film festival director in trouble, and he was arrested for showing it.

The movie we’re talking about? A Serbian Film. And believe me, I’m not exaggerating with how intense it is.

The story follows Milos, a retired Serbian porn star, who gets an offer to star in one last movie for a lot of money.

But soon, he finds himself stuck in a horrifying snuff film, filled with such disturbing sexual scenes and violence that some of it is too shocking to even explain.

Credit: Unearthed Films

When the director, Srđan Spasojević, was interviewed by Indiewire about what inspired the film, he said: “We wanted to show our true feelings about our region and the world. On the surface, everything seems polite and politically correct, but underneath, it’s really messed up.”

Released in 2010, the movie caused a huge controversy.

To be shown in any country, major cuts had to be made just to get a rating.

In the US, about a minute was cut to get an NC-17 rating.

In the UK, they had to cut a massive three minutes and 48 seconds from 11 different scenes just to show it in theaters.

Credit: Unearthed Films

In 2011, a bold film festival director, Angel Sala, got into trouble and was charged with “exhibiting child pornography” after a Roman Catholic group complained about a screening of the movie.

Although the charges were dropped, Sala could have faced a year in prison if things had gone differently.

Out of the 46+ countries that have banned the film, big ones like Spain, Australia, and Malaysia won’t allow it to be shown at all.

Critics are divided on A Serbian Film. Some admire the director’s vision, while others call it “disgusting.”

Film critic Mark Kermode said, “The director claims it’s symbolic, but if that’s true, the message gets lost in the ridiculous gore.”

“The most frustrating part is that regular torture porn is bad enough, but when it tries to be deep and artsy, it’s even worse.”

If you’re still thinking, “Hmm, I might give it a try,” a top review on IMDB might change your mind. It says: “I heard about this movie on YouTube, someone said don’t watch it, it’s made to disturb you. But I didn’t listen, and now I feel like throwing up. Please don’t watch this, just don’t, I’m literally crying right now.”

After reading that, I’m thinking I’ll take their advice.

If you’re in the US and still curious, A Serbian Film is available on Vudu.

But honestly? I’d skip it. Seriously.

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