Spooky season is in full swing, meaning there may be some heightened paranormal activity afoot. In fact, a survey conducted by YouGov revealed that two in five Americans believe ghosts are real, while one in five people say they’ve actually encountered one.
The existence of ghosts may be up for debate, but one of the most persistent beliefs is that our animals can sense spirits or paranormal activity. We’ve all witnessed the scene in scary movies or TV shows, when the tiny dog barks at the door but no one is there. Sure, the movie may be fake, but many pet owners have noticed their dog or cat do the same in real life.
Of course, there’s only one thought that enters a pet owner’s mind when this occurs – that their animal is obviously interacting with a ghost. To set the record straight, we spoke with two animal communicators – aka, pet psychics – to learn whether our animals are really channeling the other side.
Why do we believe our pets can see ghosts in the first place? According to Phoebe Hoffman, an animal communicator and intuitive guide based in New York City, it has a lot to do with their heightened senses.
“Pets are living off of energy, whether it’s our energy or energy that we are not privy to, because we’re so limited in our senses compared to them,” Hoffman tells us. “Now, can I say that what they’re seeing is ghosts? I don’t know that because I’ve never seen a ghost. I’m not seeing what they’re seeing, but I’ve had many experiences with my own animals – which happen to be cats – where they are having an absolute moment with something that’s there that only they can witness.”

It goes without saying that animals have senses that are unknown to humans. When it comes to our beloved canines, dogs have the ability to hear much higher-pitched noises than their owners. The average adult human can’t hear sounds above 20,000 Hertz (Hz), while dogs can hear sounds as high as 47,000 to 65,000 Hz, per the American Kennel Club.
Meanwhile, cats are known to have great eyesight, especially in the dark. According to Texas A&M University, felines can dilate their pupils in low-light settings and they have a special reflective layer called the tapetum lucidum, which can reflect more light to the back of the eye.
“Non-human animals sense things in different ways than humans do. Cats, for instance, the way they see things is different from the way humans see things. Their eyesight is different, they can definitely perceive energies that we can’t or things that aren’t visible to the human eye,” Olivia LaBarre, an animal communicator and Reiki specialist based in NYC, tells us. “Most of the animals I communicate with have increased senses beyond the five senses.”

But what about those undeniable moments when our dog or cat appears to be reacting – or interacting – with something we can’t see? When they begin to bark or meow at nothing visible, stand in the corner, play with an object that belonged to a deceased family member, or assume behaviours that are characteristic of a former pet? For LaBarre – who’s been an animal communicator and grief worker for five years – her clients have noticed that, after one of their pets dies, their living animal will even start taking on some of the behaviours of the animal who passed.
When these moments occur, it’s important to look out for certain signs or signals that your dog or cat’s behaviour has suddenly shifted. This can look like playing with something that isn’t there, tilting their head, arching their back, or wagging their tail.
As for what pet owners should do when they believe their beloved animal is interacting with a ghost, experts agree to just sit back and let it happen. “Allow it, observe it, and just pay attention because it might be about you. Humans are very unaware of the mysteries of the universe. Animals, they’re tapped in. They are aware that energy doesn’t die,” says Hoffman. “Just let it happen. It’s not a bad thing.”
However, there could be the slight off chance that a poltergeist from the next Paranormal Activity instalment just so happens to be living in your kitchen. Then, of course, it’s time to call in the experts… or an exorcist.
Our pets’ heightened senses – and sometimes their silly, quirky, and erratic behaviour – has played into the belief that dogs and cats can see ghosts. Still, there’s much uncertainty about whether this long-standing superstition is actually true.
“We are so limited in our ability to see what the naked eye cannot see. Animals have this window into watching spirits and energy,” says Hoffman. “But as far as a ghost? That I don’t know, but I know they’re seeing something.”
Although it continues to be a mystery whether our pets’ senses are able to pick up on energies or spirits, pay close attention to your dog or cat this spooky season. Who knows what life forms will be lurking this Halloween?
Mom In Tears After The Shelter Dog She Just Adopted Shows How Grateful He Is On The Way Home

Dogs enjoy being adopted! Mother Nature is to blame because nobody wants to live without friends or family. In the aforementioned video, the dog thanks his savior.

The adopted puppy made the decision to show his new mother how much he appreciated her while he was in the passenger seat.

His response was wonderful as he pressed his face against the woman’s arm. The mom started crying after that, and the puppy tried to comfort her.

Watch the video down below.
Please let your loved ones and friends know about this.
Heartbreaking! The dog was attacked by thousands of parasites in the mouth, unable to eat or drink for many days
It’s upsetting to read about a dog being hurt by parasites, especially when it affects their ability to eat and drink. This is a common problem in many dogs, especially if they have not had adequate preventative care.

Hundreds of parasites attacking a dog’s mouth might cause рai and discomfort. These parasites can cause inflammation and infection, making it difficult for the dog to swallow or even open his mouth. In some situations, the parasites might also cause bleeding, which can complicate matters further.

If a dog cannot eat or drink for several days, it may develop an eo problem. Dogs require regular access to food and water in order to stay healthy, and prolonged starvation or dehydration can lead to a variety of health concerns. If the dog is not treated, it will become weak and malnourished, making it more difficult to battle parasites and other ailments.

If you feel your dog has a parasite infection, you should seek veterinary care as soon as possible. A veterinarian can do a thorough examination and offer the necessary therapy to restore your dog’s health.

They may also recommend preventative care treatments, including as frequent deworming and flea and tick prevention, to keep your dog healthy in the future.
Heartbroken over Sad shivering puppy begging passersby to save his siblings in freezing weather

People came across a puppy all day and no one cared; whenever he saw someone passing by, he stood up, wagged his tail, and waited for help; he lay on the cold snow with faith and waited.
“Help Animal kmv” stepped in to assist, and they found four puppies in a cardboard box.
They took them to the vet and warmed them up; their bodies were infested with blood-sucking mites, and they couldn’t stand the water and stress, so they weren’t bathed. Fortunately, the doctor was still present at night. The doctor gives each puppy individual first aid and tests; the puppies test positive for parvovirus, a dangerous disease.

To reduce itching and scratching, temporary preservatives are used. Puppies are more at ease. Everyone gets eye drops, as well as the doctor’s injection.
“I was very lucky to be there at the right time,” the doctor said, “because if they let them stay a little longer, they will be in danger.”
Who dumped them there? So, where had the mother dog gone?
Nobody knows the answer. They are feeling much better after three days. They could walk around the vet’s office and examine everything.
They mature quickly, beautiful boys, but the issue they had to deal with was their skin. They had mold and needed treatment, according to the doctor, and they had severe fungal skin under their hair. They needed to be medicated on a regular basis and shower with a special shower gel.

They were given the names Lira, Nils, Martin, and Gray.
The disease healed and the hair grew back over time, and thankfully, after a long time under the care of doctors, all of them are healthy and beautiful.

Two of them have found their own happy home, while the other two are cared for and loved by everyone on the team. They have a beautiful future ahead of them.
Girl Rescues Dying Dog And Then He Let’s Her Know It’s Time To Say ‘Goodbye’
Sophiane Nacer wanted to give this homeless dog the best ‘end of days’ possible, despite the fact that he was too sick to save. She promised that Hippo, an elderly stray with tumors, would only know love after he died.
“Even if it was just for a day,” Sophiane, the 19-year-old founder of Cayleb’s Kindred Senior Dog Rescue, told TODAY, Hippo was going to have the best last day ever.

After a five-day waiting period, Sophiane adopted Hippo and brought him home from the shelter. The skin of the poor dog hurt to touch. Because Hippo was in so much pain, Sophiane wasn’t sure if he could experience much.
When she saw his tail wag, all her doubts vanished. There was still hope for the sick dog. Before he left this world, he FOUGHT to feel love and happiness.
So Sophiane brought Hippo to Starbucks and bought him a Puppuccino, a Starbucks secret menu item that dogs adore, which is simply a cup filled with delectable whipped cream.

Hippo was still in good spirits the next day, so Sophiane brought him to a dog park to let him run around. He loved every second of it! He had something to say to Sophiane, though.The old dog, who was suffering but hopeful, had something to say to his new best friend… He was all set to leave. He was overjoyed that he had the opportunity to spend time with Sophiane, but he was tired and in pain, and it was time to say his goodbyes.

After the dog park, Sophiane had a vet euthanasia specialist come to her home. The vet had prepared a roasted chicken with sedatives inside for him. He was able to eat his final meal as comfortably as possible with Sophiane by his side before drifting off to a painless permanent sleep.
While this story is sad in many ways, it also has a positive side. A dying dog, who had only known suffering, was given the opportunity to spend the rest of his life, albeit brief, feeling loved and wanted.
May all dogs leave this world knowing how much they are loved! Hippo, rest in peace. You were a fantastic young man!
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