I Started Wearing “Terrible Wigs” at Work After They Banned My Pink Hair

A 29-year-woman was faced with a dilemma shortly after she took on a job offer. She was told she either had to cover up her pink hair or look for work elsewhere. She accepted the challenge and her amusing way of overcoming the restriction has gone viral.

Emily Benschoter turned to TikTok to share her journey at her new workplace, but with the twist that she can never show her pink hair while she’s on duty. She only found out the fact after she had already been interviewed and offered the position, a front-of-house role in the hospitality industry, because there was no prior contact with her employers in-person or over video chat during the hiring process.

Her manager then suggested she wore a wig and that’s when she decided to pick the funniest ones she could find. Her first TikTok video with the first wig went up on July 19, 2023, and it read: “When you have pink hair, but corporate does not approve, so you wear terrible wigs.”

Since then, people have become invested in her wig choices and her clips have been viewed millions of times. “The worse the wig, the better,” she admitted in an interview. “It is a way to open up the conversation with the customers who think it is insane that I have to cover my pink hair.”

In the same interview, Benschoter also took time to explain why she didn’t just simply dye her hair instead. “Dying my hair for a job I work at for 40 hours per week wasn’t an option,” she revealed. “I am a self-expressive person and I feel very confident with pink hair, so I came up with a solution to keep the job and my hair.”

Despite her having fun with the situation, she doesn’t approve of it. “It’s dehumanizing that I can’t be accepted at face value because my hair is a non-traditional color,” she said. “It’s so superficial that my hair color is an obstacle.”

As we’ve seen, job requirements when it comes to our physical appearance can be an issue for some. For a woman known as the “Dragon Girl,” it’s actually been an impossible task to overcome. Amber Luke chose to get over 600 tattoos to change her appearance, but now people refuse to employ her.

Preview photo credit emuhleeebee / TikTokemuhleeebee / TikTok

I Refuse to Let My Irresponsible Stepdaughter Exploit Her Dad

In blended families, it’s common for parents to have differing views on how to handle their children. Colleen’s husband continues to provide financial support to his 19-year-old daughter, who is pregnant and already a mother of two. Meanwhile, Colleen feels that her stepdaughter should not be coddled and needs to learn to take responsibility for her actions. This clash in parenting styles led to a situation that went terribly wrong, and Colleen has shared her story with us.

Here is Colleen’s letter:

Hi Colleen! Thank you for sharing your story with us. We’ve prepared 4 pieces of advice that we believe can help you.

Seek mediation or couples counseling.

Given the emotional and financial conflicts, involving a neutral third party could help. A mediator or counselor can facilitate a discussion between you and your husband to address the underlying issues.

This professional might help clarify each other’s perspectives, restore communication, and find a resolution that acknowledges both your concerns and your husband’s responsibilities.

Reevaluate financial decisions and transparency.

Consider discussing the financial decisions and future planning openly with your husband. Since you drained the shared savings account without his consent, it’s crucial to establish a clear, mutually agreed-upon approach to handling finances moving forward.

This might involve setting up separate accounts for personal expenditures and jointly managed accounts for shared expenses, ensuring that both parties are informed and agree on financial decisions.

Engage in a direct conversation with your stepdaughter.

It may be beneficial to address the situation directly with your stepdaughter. An honest conversation about her expectations and how her actions have impacted your relationship with her father could help clear misunderstandings.

Express your intentions and concerns, and listen to her perspective to potentially reach a better understanding and find common ground.

Consider moving out temporarily for reflection.

If the tension remains high and communication isn’t improving, temporarily moving out might provide space for both you and your husband to reflect on the situation. This physical distance could give you time to think about your relationship and future steps without the constant emotional strain.

Use this time to assess what you both need and whether there’s a path forward that respects both your needs and your husband’s.

Another stepmom dealing with tension is Claudia. When her 32-year-old stepdaughter lost her job and decided to move back in with her father, Claudia insisted that she pay rent. This decision led to an unexpected turn of events, and she reached out to us for advice. Read her story here.

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