«I’m in Excruciating Pain,» Christina Applegate Reveals New Details About Living With MS

Christina Applegate’s candid revelations about the impact of multiple sclerosis left us deeply moved. The 51-year-old actress bravely shared how the disease affects her daily life, emphasizing that ’’With the disease of MS, it’s never a good day”. Her openness about her fears and vulnerabilities only heightened our admiration for her courage.

Fear is part of her everyday life.

During a recent interview, Applegate reflected on the small blessings she used to overlook before being diagnosed with MS in 2021.

She noted that people ask her why she doesn’t take showers, and she explains that ’’getting in the shower is frightening.’’ The Dead to Me star added, ’’You can fall, you can slip, your legs can buckle. Especially because I have a glass shower. It’s frightening to me to get in there.’’

The 51-year-old went on admitting ’’There are just certain things that people take for granted in their lives that Itook for granted’’. She stated that some of them are simple daily tasks such as going down the stairs or carrying things.

The actress revealed that she can still manage to drive short distances and carry food upstairs to her daughter Sadie Grace who is 12, but she made it clear that she struggles with going ’’down, never up.’’

She pointed out ’’Gravity can just pull you down and take everything down with you.’’

Christina Applegate shares new details about living with MS.

In a recent appearance on ABC News, Applegate opened up about her journey with the degenerative disease. She revealed that even the act of sitting for the interview was challenging for her.

«I’m not out a lot, so this is a little difficult, just for my system,» she shared. «But of course, the support is wonderful, and I’m really grateful.»

She continued, «I’m not putting a time stamp on it. I’m never going to wake up and go, ’This is awesome!’ I’m just going to tell you that. It’s just not going to happen. I wake up and I’m reminded every day.»

She added, «I’m isolating and that’s kind of how I’m dealing with it by not going anywhere because I don’t want to do it. It’s hard.»

«(MS) can be very lonely because it’s hard to explain to people. I’m in excruciating pain, but I’m just used to it now.»

She’s not surrounded by too many people.

Despite the assumption that the actress has a support system of friends and family to assist her with everyday tasks, she revealed that she has kept her inner circle small since being diagnosed with MS. She admitted, ’’I actually don’t want to be around a lot of people because I’m immunocompromised.’’

Applegate shared that her friend lives with her during the week and assists her in taking care of Sadie. And on the weekends, a caretaker comes in.

Christina also mentioned that she prefers to avoid overstimulation of her nervous system as it can be overwhelming for her. Therefore, she tries to maintain a quiet and relaxed environment as much as possible.

She explained, ’’Imagine just being in a crowd of people and how loud that is. It’s like 5,000 times louder for anyone who has lesions on their brains.’’

Christina Applegate found unwavering support from her husband during her struggles with MS and breast cancer. His love and strength were pillars that upheld their family’s happiness, even in the face of adversity.

Preview photo credit VALERIE MACON/AFP/East News

Mom issues warning after 10-year-old son collapses after playing in the ocean

A day at the beach is the best way to escape the oppressively high heat, but despite the fact that it might offer some respite, one mother from Massachusetts discovered that the shoreline also has a special set of risks.

She now wants to alert people to this.

Despite the fact that the incident occurred over a week ago, Heather Cassini reported that she is still “shaking.”

Declan, Cassini’s 10-year-old son, suddenly reported he didn’t feel well on July 4 as the 40-year-old mother and her were in Hampton Beach in New Hampshire.

Cassini wasn’t worried at first. Declan had been playing in the ocean, and it was hot.

In a now-viral Facebook post, Cassini wrote, “I thought the breakfast was just too much for the waves and he just needed to lay down.” Declan became “disoriented” and fell into a sunbather as soon as they started to head back so he could lay down.

He managed to get back up on his feet, but he fell to the ground once more.

Cassini told Today.com, “I’m trying desperately to pick him up because I’m pregnant.” He is throwing up and experiencing bouts of unconsciousness. He was really pale.

When a group of women sat close noticed the disturbance, they moved quickly to intervene. While monitoring his vitals, paramedics attempted to keep him warm and alert.

“May God bless everyone in our vicinity. She remarked, “There were so many nurses.”

“He was up and talking after what seemed like a lifetime. Cassini writes, “We got him to the car and waited for him to feel better.

Declan was found to have hypothermia due to the 52 degree ocean temperature.

Cassini remarked, “I had no idea that this could happen.” “I never thought about cold shock; you think about sunburns and dehydration and all the things that can happen in the water.”

Declan’s miraculous recovery has led Cassini to want to alert others to the risk of hypothermia in the summer.

“Just a heads up to parents who have children who adore the water and don’t feel chilly. It doesn’t necessarily follow that they can handle it just because they can.”

It never occurred to me that hypothermia could occur on a sweltering summer day! Not just for those who are parents, but for everyone, this is such a vital message.

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