‘Don’t Laugh, Man!’ : Wild Speech On His Youth Sports Experience…

President Joe Biden was giving a speech to Native American groups in D.C. for the White House Tribal Nations Summit, and during the speech, Biden rambIed about his youth sports experience, particularly lacrosse, and jokingly told the audience not to laugh in a somewhat awkward moment.

That moment came when President Biden was speaking about preserving Native American cultural heritage, and gave the example of preserving Iacrosse, which was originally a Native American sport but has survived to the modern day in a modified form.

Speaking on the across and cultural heritage issue, President Biden said, Folks, at the same time, we’re helping to preserve cultural heritage like Tribal languages and sports.

Sports Iike lacrosse. Joining us today are members of the Six Nations Confederacy who…

Continuing, Biden then called on members of those tribes to stand up for recognition, saying, …which in- — by the way, where are you guys? Stand up. Come on. Which invented Iacrosse nearly a thousand years ago. The game brought Tribes together, a force for peace, friendship, and healing. The Six Nations players are still among the very best in the world.

Watch It Woke Actress Says She “Can’t Live” In America If…

The 2024 election is on the horizon, and it appears former President Donald Trump has all but Iocked up the Republican side of the contest.

Despite, or perhaps because of, the continued efforts from the left, Trump’s popularity and poll numbers have spiked, particularly with minorities, which is terribIe news for Democrats.

Joe Biden is the incumbent, but he is getting a challenge from Robert Kennedy Jr. as a third-party candidate, and there are rampant rumors about Biden getting replaced on the 2024 Democrat ticket. Biden’s age and declining mentaI state are clearly an issue, but the Democrats also do not have a particularly deep bench in terms of potential replacements.

There have been rumors of California Governor Gavin Nesom prepping to run, as well as Vice President Kamala Harris, but both are widely regarded as failures and barring an unexpected bid from the likes of Michelle Obama, the left has precious little to offer.

This leaves us with a likely Biden/Trump slugfest in 2024. Sensing a Democrat worst-case scenario, namely, President Trump getting another term, some Hollywood celebrities have aIready begun talking about leaving the country should Trump run it back in 2024.

It should be recalled that numerous Hollywood liberals vowed to leave the country in 2016 should Trump win. Predictably, exactly none of them did, but that doesn’t mean the usual suspects won’t be threatening the same in 2024.

Recently, Barbara Streisand made some well-worn promises to leave the country should Trump win. Promises, promises.

In an interview promoting her one-thousand-page autobiography, Streisand said this: I will move. I can’t live in this country if he became president.”

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