Toddler hears favorite song plays on, begins to dance the jive, but his last move cracks whole crowd

Music, along with dancing is the best medicine that helps you relieve stress and stay happy and active. Everybody likes to dance from time to time, no matter the age. But there are some people who rock at doing it so much that they rule the dance floor and make everybody feel good about it.

William Stokkebroe, 2-year-old stunned a crows when he dashed into the middle of a dancefloor, excited to show everyone what he’s got.

His parents, Kristina and Peter Stokkebroe and the dancers at Studie43 must have caught his attention overtime as he couldn’t wait to show them all what he can do.

Elvis Presley’s Jailhouse Rock was playing at that moment, and the little enthusiastic boy couldn’t help himself but busting some serious moves. the impressed crowd burst into a round of cheer. He even gives a very proud bow at the end of his dance.

William has certainly a bright future and we can’t wait to see him dancing again since he is so brave to step in front of an entire crowd like he just did.

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They Laughed When He Married Her, But Wait Till You See What Happened Years Later

We can start living our lives to the fullest when we learn to love ourselves flaws and all. But it’s easier said than done.

People are partly to blame for their insecurities because they think they need to look like the models on the magazine covers. This is because the media and celebrities use airbrushed and edited photos and promote particular looks as social norms.

Some people won’t let silly standards decide how beautiful they are, and they’ll do everything they can to change how other people see them.

People have said mean things about Amelia because she is overweight. The fact that her mother knew her daughter was overweight for her age since birth made her mother aware that she would grow up to be a “big” woman. But because many people thought she was cute and sweet as a child, she was picked on later on.

People made Amelia feel like she didn’t belong, so she spent her days in her room playing video games until Sean came along.

Their pure life went against all odds and lead to a proposal and a small wedding. Their story started a movement around the world to promote acceptance and empowerment.

They changed the rules of love in a very interesting way, which shows that love can get through anything.

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