I Met a Man at a Speed Dating Event – When I Showed His Photo to My Mom, She Instantly Contacted the Police

“Hi, I’m Robin.”

I felt an instant spark, like electricity coursing through my veins. “Selena. Nice to meet you.”

I found myself leaning in as we chatted, captivated by his stories and wit. He spoke of his work as a software engineer, his love for rock climbing, and his dreams of traveling the world.

With each word, I felt myself falling deeper under his spell.

When the bell rang again, Robin stood up, hesitation brimming in his eyes as he gripped the back of the chair.

“Listen, I know this is unconventional, but would you like to grab a coffee after this? I’d love to continue our conversation.”

My cheeks flushed, and my heart raced. “I’d really like that. Tomorrow? I said, feeling the heat creep into my cheeks as he kissed the back of my hand.

“Sure! Will be waiting for you in the café downtown!”

As we left the restaurant later that night, I couldn’t shake the feeling that my life was about to change forever.

The next afternoon, I couldn’t stop smiling as I recounted my evening to my mom, Daisy.

“He sounds wonderful, honey,” she said, her eyes crinkling with happiness. “I haven’t seen you this excited about someone in years.”

“I know, Mom. There’s just something about Robin. It’s like… like I’ve known him my whole life.”

“Well, don’t get ahead of yourself. But I am happy for you. Do you have a picture?”

“Oh! Yeah, we took a selfie.” I pulled out my phone, swiping to find the photo. My heart fluttered as I looked at Robin’s smiling face. “Here he is!”

The moment I turned the screen towards her, Mom’s face turned pale.

“Mom? What’s wrong?” I freaked out.

Her eyes were wide with panic, fixed on the phone screen. “Selena, oh my God… it’s HIM. The man who robbed my friend Janet! CALL THE POLICE RIGHT NOW!”

“What? No, that can’t be right.” I shook my head, confusion and disbelief warring inside me.

“I’m telling you, it’s him! He conned Janet out of her life savings. Promised to marry her, took every penny she had, and then vanished! We need to call the police right now, honey!”

My stomach dropped, a cold dread seeping into my bones. “Are you sure?” I asked, desperately hoping she was mistaken.

“Positive. Janet showed me his picture a hundred times when we were trying to track him down. I’d never forget that face.”

I stared at Robin’s smiling face on my phone, feeling sick. The warm brown eyes that had seemed so kind now looked calculating. The charming smile now seemed sinister. How could I have been so blind?

Mom reached for her phone, her fingers shaking as she started to dial 911. Without thinking, I grabbed her wrist, stopping her. “Mom, wait!”

“What do you mean, wait? We need to turn him in!”

“If we call now, he might get spooked and disappear again,” I said slowly, a plan forming in my mind. “But, what if we set a trap?”

Mom’s eyebrows shot up. “What are you thinking?”

“I have a date with him tomorrow night. What if I go, act normal, and you call the police to meet us there?”

She hesitated, worry etching lines across her forehead. “I don’t like the idea of you being alone with him. He’s dangerous, Selena.”

“It’ll be in a public place, Mom,” I assured her, even as my heart raced at the thought. “And think about it. This might be our only chance to catch him. To get justice for Janet and who knows how many others.”

After a long moment, she nodded, fear still lingering in her eyes.

As we began to plot our plan, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was balancing on a knife’s edge. One wrong move and everything could come crashing down.

The next evening, I sat across from Robin at a cozy café, my nerves on edge. He looked as handsome as ever in a blue shirt that brought out his eyes.

But now, his charming smile made my skin crawl. Every compliment and every gentle touch of his hand on mine felt like a lie.

“You look beautiful!” Robin said, reaching for my hand across the table.

I forced myself not to flinch away, plastering on a smile that felt more like a grimace. “Thank you. You look nice too.”

As he launched into a story about his day, I discreetly texted Mom under the table, “Now!”

“So, tell me more about your family,” I said, desperate to keep the conversation going.

A shadow seemed to pass over Robin’s face so quickly that I almost missed it. “It’s complicated,” he said after a moment.

Before I could probe further, I saw two uniformed officers enter the café.

They approached our table, and Robin’s easy smile faltered. “Is there a problem, officers?” he asked, his eyes darting between them and me.

One of them stepped forward, his hand resting on his belt. “Sir, we need you to come with us for questioning.”

“Selena, what’s going on?”

“I’m sorry, Robin. But we know what you did to Janet. And probably to countless other women.”

I thought this was it. But what happened next left me reeling.

After a tense conversation with the officers, during which Robin vehemently denied knowing any Janet, they released him. And he walked back to our table.

“Selena, I don’t understand. Who’s Janet? What’s this all about?”

I blinked, utterly lost. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. He was supposed to be led away in handcuffs, not standing here looking at me like I’d betrayed him.

“The woman you conned. My mom’s friend. You… you took everything from her.”

Robin shook his head, running a hand through his hair. “I’ve never met anyone named Janet in my life. But, wait a minute, I think I know what happened here.”

He pulled out his phone, his fingers flying across the screen. After a moment, he turned it towards me. I gasped, my hand flying to my mouth.

The photo showed two identical men — Robin, and another who could have been his clone. Same eyes, smile, and same everything.

But while Robin looked relaxed and happy in the photo, his double had an edge to him, a hardness in his eyes that sent a chill down my spine.

“That’s my twin brother, Adrian,” Robin revealed. “We haven’t spoken in over six months. He’s had some trouble with the law. I’ve been trying to help him, but he disappeared. I think he might be the one you’re looking for.”

I felt the blood drain from my face, shame and horror cloaking me in equal measure. “Oh my God. Robin, I’m so sorry. I thought—”

He held up a hand, cutting me off. “It’s okay. I understand. Anyone would have done the same thing in your shoes.”

But I could see the hurt in his eyes. I’d accused him of being a criminal and had the police come after him. Would he ever forgive me?

As if on cue, Mom burst into the café, her eyes wild as she scanned the room. When she spotted us, she rushed over, stopping short when she saw Robin still sitting there.

“What’s going on? Why isn’t he in custody?”

I stood up, placing a hand on her arm. “Mom, we made a mistake. A big one.”

Robin stood as well, offering his hand to my mother. “Mrs…?”

“Daisy,” Mom said, frowning.

“Mrs. Daisy, I understand there’s been a misunderstanding. I’m not the man who hurt your friend. But I think I might know who did.”

He showed her the photo, and I watched as the same shock I’d felt played across Mom’s face.

“I can’t believe it,” she murmured, looking between Robin and his brother’s picture. “They’re identical.”

“Adrian and I… we’ve always been close. Or we were. But lately, he’s been making some bad choices. I’ve been trying to help him, but he disappeared a few months ago. I’ve been worried sick.”

I reached out, touching his arm before I could stop myself. “I’m so sorry for putting you through this, Robin. I feel terrible.”

He gave me a small smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Don’t. You were trying to do the right thing. To protect others from being hurt.”

Mom shook her head, sinking into a chair. “I can’t imagine how hard this must be for you, dealing with your brother’s actions.”

Robin’s smile faded completely. “It’s been challenging. But I’m not giving up on him. I can’t.”

An awkward silence fell over the table. I fidgeted with my napkin, trying to find the right words to fix this mess I’d created.

How do you apologize for accusing someone of being a criminal? For bringing the police down on an innocent man?

Finally, I took a deep breath, steeling myself. “Robin, I know this isn’t how either of us imagined this evening going. And I completely understand if you never want to see me again. But, if you’re willing, I’d love to start over. Maybe we could try another date? One without any police involvement or mistaken identities?!”

He looked at me for a long moment. My heart raced as I waited for his response. Finally, he broke into a genuine grin, the warmth returning to his eyes.

“I’d like that, Selena. I’d like that a lot!”

As we left the café, walking into the cool night air, I couldn’t help but feel that despite all the chaos and misunderstandings, this might just be the beginning of something wonderful.

And terrifying. Because now, somewhere out there, was a man who looked exactly like the one beside me. A man who was everything I’d feared Robin to be.

15 Things Moms Do That Make Them Even More Incredible

Each pregnancy alters your body irrevocably. And we don’t mean the stretch marks or the scars. We mean the forever-changed DNA. Ask any new mother and she’ll list out a litany of things that are now different for her. Like a forgetful mommy brain that, according to science, makes the mother-child bond stronger.

We at Bright Side salute all moms and believe that they are real-life superheroes. To honor all mothers, we found some mommy facts proving there’s nothing like a mother’s love. Or the science behind it.

1. Motherhood changes you, and your DNA.

A chimera is a legendary beast made of different animals. And we are likening mothers to chimeras because every child that a mother carries leaves their DNA inside her. Basically, fetal cells enter a mother’s bloodstream and stay in her body forever. Researchers allege that these cells can affect the mother both positively and negatively. On one hand, it can speed up healing but on the flip side, it can increase the risk of cancer.

So when they say motherhood changes you, it does so at an elemental level as well. Jennifer Garner’s stunning countenance reflects just that.

2. The baby can taste what their mother eats.

Studies show that what a mother eats flavors the amniotic fluid. Something a baby gulps down several times a day. Basically, a baby can taste what their mother eats from within the womb.

study showed that infants whose mothers ate carrots while pregnant seemed to enjoy cereal prepared with carrot juice more than others. So if you want to develop your baby’s palate for healthy, crunchy veggies, chow down on them while you are pregnant.

3. Kissing babies is more “healing” than we think.

Any new mom will tell you that the urge to kiss a newborn is intense. It’s innate and biological in nature. And science says that when mothers kiss their babies, it’s not just love, it’s medicine.

A mother’s body samples the pathogens found on the baby’s face, and more magic happens within her own body. Especially to her breastmilk, the main source of nutrition and immunity for the baby.

4. Pregnant women make enormous amounts of estrogen.

Pregnancy sends a woman’s body into overdrive. The uterus expands to 500 times its normal size and then shrinks back after birth. The blood volume increases and to tackle that, the heart expands a little too.

And it’s not just this, a woman makes more estrogen in a single pregnancy than she would in her whole lifetime if she never got pregnant. There’s a reason why women are exhausted when expecting and need sleep and rest for a healthy delivery and recovery.

5. A mother’s smile is near magical.

Moms are near magic, and so is their smile or affection. While you need your mother at all ages, it’s the helpless infant who is most dependent on their mom.

Studies show that when mothers smile, coo, and show affection to their babies, their heartbeats synchronize into the same beat. So if a baby is distressed, it calms them down. This is the reason why newborns need mothers the most when they are fussy and refuse to be calmed down by other family members.

6. Carrying boys can make you more nauseous.

There’s a reason why little boys are made of “snips and snails and puppy dog tails” or so goes the nursery rhyme. This is because mothers who carry boys are more likely to be nauseous in the first and second trimesters, a study shows.

This is not to say that women expecting girls cannot have morning sickness or that all women who carry boys have more nausea. It’s just that if you are expecting a boy, chances are you may experience more nausea or food aversions.

7. Babies name their mamas.

“Mom, mama, mummy, mamma, ammi, ma, me, emi, mimi.” There’s a pattern in the name for mother in all languages and this is because the “em” sounds are usually the first vocalization for a baby. It’s also the easiest sound a baby can make while babbling. And so it’s our babies who name us and call us mamas.

8. The mommy brain fog is very real.

If you see new moms looking lost, there’s a scientific reason for this. Each pregnancy affects a woman’s brain and makes her lose gray matter. The effects last for around 2 years. Science says that this temporary bewilderment makes mothers closer to their babies as well.

That said, the gray matter regenerates and any confusion or forgetfulness is passing. The bond between a mother and her child is permanent.

9. A mother’s voice is as soothing as a hug.

A study has shown that a mother’s voice, even on the telephone, is as calming as a hug. Researchers introduced stress to a group of girls and then had 1/3 of them hug their mothers, another 1/3 of them talk to their mothers, and 1/3 watched an emotionally neutral film. The girls who spoke to their mothers calmed down much faster, just like those who hugged.

This proves that if you are under stress, your mother’s voice can flood oxytocin into your bloodstream, making you feel better. And we think Jennifer Garner already knows that, pictured here with her mother.

10. Babies can cry in the womb.

The baby’s first cry is not post-birth, rather studies now show that they can express displeasure inside the womb. This can happen as early as 28 weeks gestation.

Researchers played low-decibel sounds on the mother’s belly and could see that the baby opened their mouth and exhibited crying-like behavior. But it’s a silent cry. Researchers also added that this in-vitro crying was nothing the mother should worry about.

11. Pregnancies leave women vulnerable to tooth decay.

Pregnant women are at risk for tooth decay and there are many reasons why. The changes in diet due to cravings may give some women a sweet tooth and the hormones that cause nausea, meaning more acidity on your mouth, to mention a few. This leads to gum disease and decay.

A simple way to prevent it all is by making oral health a priority, especially when you are pregnant.

12. The earliest milk bottle use came to be 7,000 years ago.

As it turns out, the breast/bottle debate is prehistoric. And mamas back then were pretty innovative too. Researchers have found little clay vessels, some shaped into mythical animals with hands and feet, with milk residue in them.

The earliest of them date back to 7,000 years ago and have been identified as prehistoric feeding bottles for babies. The dairy residue has been identified as breastmilk and milk from a cow, sheep, or goat.

13. The Ice Age made human breast milk more nutritious.

Human beings need sunlight to survive because our bodies only synthesize vitamin D in the sun. Allegedly, the last Ice Age should have wiped us out because newborns were not getting any vitamin D, considering the intense cold and lack of sunshine.

Scientists believe that a genetic tweak happened and mothers could transmit vitamin D and essential fatty acids to their newborn babies, and this may have ensured human survival.

14. Pregnancies can be contagious.

A study of more than 30,000 women conducted in Germany has indicated that pregnancy is contagious. It spreads from woman to woman in workplaces, in an endearing way. The results stated that “in the year after a colleague gives birth, transition rates to first pregnancies double.”

So if you are in the workplace and someone is pregnant, expect more pregnancies to pop up.

15. Most mammal moms carry their babies on the left.

Human mothers and even some mammal mamas cradle their babies on the left side of their bodies, closer to their heart. This is irrespective of a left-handed or right-handed mom. Science says that all the sensory information that comes from the left side of the body is processed on the right side of the brain.

The right side is where all the emotions are. And surprisingly enough, babies prefer to keep their moms on their left side as well, so it works for both mom and babe.

Bonus: Celebrity moms speak about motherhood.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

“I did start to feel this new sense of life. And now my confidence is so much greater.”

Lauren Burnham Luyendyk

Breastfeeding is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I’m in awe of the ladies that make it look so effortless, and even the ones who don’t, you are superheroes.”

Do you have any other experiences as a child or a mother that show us that moms are actual superhumans? Share your motherhood stories with us and spread the joy.

Please note: This article was updated in June 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.

Preview photo credit laurenluyendyk / Instagram

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