How the ‘WC’ Sign Reflects Cultural Differences Around the World

Have you ever seen the letters “WC” outside a public bathroom and wondered what they mean? You’re not alone! Many people around the world are curious about the “WC,” which refers to a room with a toilet and a sink.

While we can explain what “WC” stands for, it might not make much more sense than other terms like restroom, bathroom, or loo.

In 2020, a couple named Shelby and Dylan made a TikTok video showing a funny difference between how some Americans and Canadians refer to bathrooms. In the video, Dylan walks by a sign that says “washroom” and asks, “What in the world is a washroom?” He humorously wonders what people are washing in there, adding, “The only thing I wash in there is my hands.” Off-camera, Shelby chimes in, asking, “Do you rest in a restroom?”

It’s interesting to see how different cultures use different terms for the same place!

“That’s a good point. None of these terms make much sense,” Dylan says in the video.

Many people joined the conversation online, sharing their thoughts about what they call this important room.

One user commented, “It’s called a bathroom, restroom, washroom, and toilet.”

Another follower shared a funny story from Disneyland, saying they “asked for the washroom” and ended up being sent to the laundromat instead!

A third user joked, “Wait until he finds out about water closets.”

**Water Closet**
According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, a “water closet” is a term used to describe “a room with a toilet” or “a toilet bowl and its accessories.”

Long ago, when people talked about using the bathroom, it often meant taking a bath. The term “restroom” suggested a place to rest or get ready by using the sink and mirror.

Lastly, if you needed to go potty, you would use the toilet in the water closet. Depending on where you are in the world, this room is called many different names, including loo, restroom, bathroom, washroom, lavatory, or WC.

Credit: Shutterstock

In modern times, you will often see signs that say “WC” in public places like airports, restaurants, or hotels. This is just another way to say “restroom” or “bathroom,” but it is usually seen as a more formal or international sign for places that welcome travelers from different countries.

**History of the WC**
Before the 19th century in America, having an indoor toilet was a luxury only for wealthy people. Most people used outhouses or outdoor toilets. While many homes had “bathrooms” for taking baths, these rooms usually didn’t have toilets. The installation of indoor plumbing started to become common in the late 1800s, leading to the creation of the water closet by 1890. These early water closets had toilets that were separate from bathing areas.

It wasn’t until the early 20th century that bathrooms began to combine both bathing areas and toilets into one room. This design helped save space and made plumbing simpler, but it also reduced privacy, especially when multiple people were using the bathroom.

Over time, the term “water closet” changed to refer to a small, private room within a larger bathroom that was used only for the toilet. These water closets often have a small sink for handwashing, making them convenient and self-contained.

Credit: Shutterstock

To understand the term “water closet,” many people shared their thoughts on Reddit in a post titled, “Why is a public WC called bathroom if there is [no] bath?”

In response, one Reddit user pointed out, “Americans might ask: ‘Why is it called a WC (water closet) if it isn’t even a closet?” This user explained that in the U.S., “bathroom” or “restroom” is the common way to refer to a “room with a toilet.” Other countries use different terms, like “WC,” “lavatory,” or “loo.”

Another user mentioned that in Russian, the term translates to “a room without windows,” even if there is a window. A third user shared that in Esperanto, it’s called “necesejo,” meaning “necessary place.”

Other Reddit users talked about the differences between “washroom,” “bathroom,” and “restroom.” One commenter noted, “Canada famously uses ‘washroom,’” while another clarified that in the Midwest, “washroom” is also common, but “bathroom” and “restroom” are used more frequently.

One user humorously stated, “Best one, I think. You should be washing in there… not resting.”

What do you think about the term WC? What do you call the room that has a toilet? We would love to hear your opinions, so please share your thoughts!

You Won’t Believe What This Mysterious Tool Actually Does!

If you’ve ever explored your grandparents’ house, you’ve probably found some strange items that left you puzzled.

Recently, someone online shared a photo of some metal tools that, if it weren’t for the nut-shaped bowl they’re in, could be mistaken for tiny weapons.

People online quickly started guessing what these odd tools were for, with one person even joking that they might be used to “find cavities.” Curious to know more about this mysterious tool? Keep reading!

Most of us have heard of a nutcracker—not the ballet with the Sugar Plum Fairy, but the metal tool used to crack open nuts.

A nutcracker looks like pliers and usually has two metal arms with a hinge at the top. The arms are often serrated to grip the nut better. You place the nut in the jaws of the nutcracker, squeeze the arms together, and the shell cracks open, revealing the nut inside.

Nutcrackers come in all sorts of designs and sizes, from simple handheld ones to fancy, decorative pieces.

Some are made for specific types of nuts, while others can handle a variety of nuts and even shellfish like lobster or crab.

Getting the nut out of its hard shell isn’t always easy. After cracking the shell, you still have to deal with the meat sticking to the tough walls inside.

That’s where a nut pick comes in, which is the tool that’s confusing people online.

Nut picks come in different styles and materials, like metal, wood, or plastic. Some even have fancy handles or are designed to be comfortable to use.

They’re useful for enjoying all kinds of nuts, such as walnuts, pecans, and almonds, where you need to get the edible part out of the shell.

People online have been sharing their experiences with these versatile tools.

One person remembered the hard work of cracking nuts in the past, saying, “We used them for walnuts. Back then, you didn’t buy pre-cracked walnuts for baking; you had to crack them open yourself.”

Another user shared, “We used them for walnuts, pecans, and more. They came with the nutcracker and were also great for getting lobster out of those tiny legs.”

Someone else mentioned, “They’re crab and lobster meat picks. I’m lucky to still have my family’s set. Growing up near Maine, we had lots of chances to use them!”

Another person added that she’s found multiple uses for the pick, saying, “I’ve used them for their intended purpose, but as an artist, I’ve also found other ways to use them.”

Others had different ideas. One user said, “They’re called olive picks, but you can use them for other things, so your hands don’t touch the food.” Another joked, “Mostly used to pick your teeth after a big dinner… also handy for finding cavities!”

What are your favorite memories of using nutcrackers and picks?

Share your thoughts in the comments and spread the word so we can hear from others too!

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