Why Your Siblings Are Good for Your Health

One day, siblings are awesome — and the next, they’re a real nightmare. They can be so unpredictable, yet we love them all the same. We call each other names, but if someone does that to our sibling, we’re up in arms. As surprising as it sounds, siblings can actually improve your health. So you may want to think twice before you tell your sibling to leave you alone.

Bright Side encourages you to grab your sibling and take a moment to appreciate each other.

They boost your immune system.

Healthy sibling relationships increase your ability to fight off viruses, even without symptoms. Stress hormones, catecholamines, and glucocorticoids, in particular, have a negative impact on your immune system when you’re sick. The higher your stress levels are, the worse you feel. Luckily, if you have strong social bonds with your siblings or friends, you can control your stress levels, which can help you get over an illness much faster.

Hugging your loved ones can prevent heart disease.

You can keep your blood pressure under control by hugging regularly. If you are worried sick about something, instead of taking some medicine, hug your sibling. Such practices lower blood pressure and heart rate. Even 20 seconds of hugging your loved one can help you avoid heart attacks or pain.

They help you cope with depression.

We often turn to our parents for help when we run into a brick wall in our lives. However, your sibling offers you something that your parents can’t. You open up more to your siblings, find possible solutions together, and the overall feeling of being cared for cheers you up. Your cortisol levels reduce when you have someone to talk to. Additionally, they protect you from stress when you’re a kid.

They prolong your life.

People with poor social connections are 50% more likely to die earlier than people who have tight bonds. This could be because your nearest and dearest encourage you to care about yourself. This becomes especially noticeable when you fall ill. Your siblings make a casserole for you, rub ointment on your back, and demand that you don’t die because they need you.

How many siblings do you have? Did the article make you view them differently?

10 Riddles Only Sharp Minds Can Solve

Are you ready for a mental workout? In this article, we’ve curated a collection of brain-bending riddles that will put logic and quick thinking to the test. Whether you’re an inquisitive mind or simply need a cerebral jolt, these brain-teasers are designed to challenge you. Can you crack them in just 7 seconds? Let’s find out.

Try to solve all the riddles and check the correct answers at the end of the article.


A farmer in California owns a beautiful pear tree. The main trunk has 24 branches, each with 12 boughs, and each bough has 6 twigs.

<strong>Question: How many plums will the farmer be able to deliver?


A wealthy family lived in a big circular house. After their parents left for a party, all the kids disappeared. The authorities questioned the butler, maid, and gardener. The butler claimed he was organizing the library, the maid said she was dusting the corners, and the gardener mentioned watering plants.

QuestionWho’s lying?


A woman in her hotel room hears a knock. Then a man enters her room and she screams. Upon calling security, he claims he mistook her room for his.

QuestionWas the man lying?


Grandpa went for a walk in the rain without an umbrella or hat. His clothes got soaked, but his head remained dry.

QuestionHow could this happen?


Question: Can you solve it?


A prisoner is in a cell with two doors—one leads to freedom, and the other leads to certain death. There are two guards—one always tells the truth, and the other always lies. You don’t know which guard is which.

Question: What one question can you ask to determine the correct door?


You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again, you don’t see a single person on the boat.

Question: Why?


I am not a living creature, but I can move and grow. My size is determined by how you use me. I can be a refuge or a prison, depending on how I am made. Some people fear me, while others feel comfort within me. I am made of many different parts, but I am always whole.

Question: What am I?


I am seen in the water, but I never get wet. I am always changing, yet I always remain the same. I can appear in front of you, but if you reach for me, you won’t be able to touch me. I exist because of light, but I have no light of my own.

Question: What is it?


Question: Which option below is the closest time to midnight?



None, he has a pear tree.


The maid. The circular house had no corners that she could clean.


Yes, the man was lying. If it was his room, he’d have tried to open the door, not knock first.


Grandpa’s head remained dry because he was bald.


According to the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS), multiplication comes before addition. So, we first solve the multiplication part. Then do the addition. The final answer is 12.


Ask either guard, “If I were to ask the other guard which door leads to freedom, what would he say?” Then choose the opposite door.


All the people were married.


A story.




The time closest to midnight is 12:04 am.

Up for your next dose of brain riddles? 

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