Here’s how to use a tea bag to keep insects and rodents away.

The uneasy feeling of spotting mice or spiders exploring your living space is a universal discomfort that many seek to avoid. Especially for those with arachnophobia or musophobia, finding a solution to deter these unwelcome visitors is paramount. Here’s a natural, harm-free tip that ensures your home remains a critter-free sanctuary!

Despite various available traps and poisons designed to eliminate spiders and mice, many of these methods pose potential hazards for both humans and pets.

The Gentle Power of Peppermint
Here’s a gentle, yet effective way to naturally deter these small intruders without resorting to traps, toxic sprays, or poisons: utilizing peppermint tea or essential oil.

Peppermint Tea:
Simply brew peppermint tea and strategically place the used tea bags in areas frequented by spiders and mice, like corners of rooms, to keep them at bay.

Peppermint Essential Oil:
Alternatively, combine 10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil in a water-filled spray bottle and spritz around baseboards. Not only does this prevent the critters from invading, but it also leaves your home smelling fresh. (Note: If you have pets, opt for the tea method, as essential oils can be harmful to them.)

Additional Techniques to Maintain a Critter-Free Home
Discourage Spider Homesteading: Prevent spiders by ensuring your home surroundings do not harbor spider-friendly environments, like plants, woodpiles, or undisturbed dark areas.

Seal Entry Points:
Keep both spiders and mice out by identifying and sealing potential entryways, like small cracks or gaps around doors and windows.

Eliminate Food & Shelter Sources:
A clean home, with minimal hiding spots and available food, discourages persistence from mice and spiders alike.

Remove Webs:
Regularly clear any spider webs with a vacuum or an extendable broom to deter their return.

The Importance of a Critter-Free Home
While the presence of mice in a home carries potential health risks due to their capability to spread diseases like lymphocytic choriomeningitis via their urine and feces, spiders generally pose a smaller threat. Most spiders do not bite humans unless threatened, and most household spider bites are harmless. However, maintaining a critter-free home not only ensures peace of mind but also safeguards against possible health concerns.

I Discovered My Husband Claims I’m His Child’s Caretaker Whom He Keeps Employed Due to Pity — I Enacted My Retribution Shortly Afterwards

When Megan visited her husband’s office with his favorite lunch to surprise him, she learned a startling secret from his receptionist. Megan found out that her husband had been telling everyone she’s merely his kid’s nanny, allowing him to act freely at work.

Recently, I discovered that my husband has been telling everyone that I am merely his child’s nanny, one he keeps out of pity.


It was an ordinary day, and I decided to surprise my husband with lunch from his favorite fast food place. We had both been working long hours lately and had little time to connect.

This was my first visit to Ben’s new office, and I was excited about surprising him.

“Hi, honey,” he said, answering his phone as I parked the car. “I’m just on a call; I’ll be done soon.”

I didn’t really want to talk to him; I just wanted to make sure he was there.

I got out of the car, grabbed the takeout bag, feeling a thrill. When Ben and I were first married, we often surprised each other at work or met up spontaneously.

It was the spark that kept our marriage alive.

Ben’s office was sleek and modern. I walked in, and a friendly receptionist greeted me with a bright smile.

“Good afternoon!” she said. “You’re Mr. Link’s nanny, right? Is something wrong with the kids? Should I buzz him, or do you want to go straight up?”

I nearly dropped the bag of food.

“Excuse me?” I asked, my heart racing.

The receptionist looked puzzled, as if unsure if she’d misspoken or if I hadn’t heard her right.

“Aren’t you Mr. Link’s nanny?” she repeated, her smile fading.

I took a deep breath, trying to process her words.

“No, I’m not the nanny,” I said. “I’m his wife, Mrs. Megan Link.”

Her eyes widened in shock, and she quickly looked around to ensure no one else was listening.

“Oh my God,” she said. “I am so sorry! I had no idea! Please, come with me.”

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