Enchanting Equine: Rare Foal’s Remarkable Facial Markings Stun Onlookers”.

When Scott and Jackie Nelson first saw Coconut the horse, they couldn’t believe she was a Melbourne, Florida native.

Over three million people have marveled at how unique she is, and that’s because they had to record her beauty at the age of two days old to show the rest of the world.

At the age of two, the couple, who run a ranch named Down Under Colour and breed horses, took her outside for the first time on camera.

According to a YouTube description, Coconut is also referred to as a War Horse and has incredibly uncommon markings. The chief or the medicine man, a traditional and spiritual leader, would ride this horse, which was revered in Native American culture.

They must have one blue eye with liner surrounding it and a shield on their chest in order to qualify as a War Horse.

In Indian mythology, this eye is referred to as a Sky Eye. This one blue sky eye will convey the spirits of the Chief and Medicine Man to their gods if they perish in combat. That explains why she is so unique. Watch Coconut in the video below.

If the beauty of this unique foal also struck you, please share this tale.◰

Roller Skating and Skate Keys: A Nostalgic Blast from the Past

Roller skating has been a beloved pastime enjoyed by generations of kids and adults alike. It’s hard to believe that the first use of roller skates was in a London stage performance way back in 1743!

John Joseph Merlin, a London resident in 1760, deserves the credit for inventing the first skates. Roller skates have certainly come a long way since then!

In the United States, roller skating gained popularity as a pastime in 1935. But it wasn’t until the introduction of skating rinks playing disco music in the 1970s that roller skating became a huge trend. It seemed like everyone wanted to hit the rinks and groove to the music!

Speaking of roller skating, let’s take a trip down memory lane. Do you remember those heavy metal skates that you could attach to your shoes? They were quite the fashion statement back in the day. But there’s something else that you might remember if you were a skater before the 1970s – the iconic skate key.

This copper-colored object was an essential accessory for anyone with roller skates. At first glance, it may look like a bottle opener or some kind of tool, but it is actually a skate key. With the skate key, you could adjust the size of your skates by fitting it into the back of the pair. And to make sure they didn’t get lost while skating, most people wore the key around their necks. It was a small but significant part of the roller skating experience.

Skate keys were such an integral part of roller skating that there have even been songs written about them! They symbolize a time when roller skating was a cherished activity, filled with fun and memories.

So, do you remember skate keys? We’d love to hear your skating stories on our Facebook page. Let’s share this delightful blast from the past with others who may have fond memories of roller skating and skate keys too!

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