Mom goes to the bathroom to nurse her child, and a waitress slips her husband a note.

Jackie Johnson-Smith was treated to an unanticipated act of kindness while dining with her family at a pizza restaurant in Iowa.

Photo Credit: Viral Stories

She shared a picture of the restaurant bill along with the statement, “I have breastfed three children,” on Facebook. I have cared for them in countless situations, both public and private, at happy and unhappy times. Even though I’ve had a lot of looks and stares, tonight dispels all of that bad vibe. It was my first time eating at Fongs tonight. I spent some time in the booth nursing my grumpy baby before getting up early to avoid disturbing the other diners.

Photo Credit: Viral Stories

“The waitress gave this receipt to my hubby. I couldn’t talk because I was so upset. I don’t deserve a pat on the back for feeding my child, but it felt amazing. The final words of the letter were, “It’s amazing how women can empower and feel for one another.

Photo Credit: Viral Stories

The message was written by waitress Bodi Kinney, who told KCCI 8 News in Des Moines, “We need to come together and support each other when it comes to nursing our children.”

Photo Credit: Viral Stories

American Civil War True or False Quiz

Test your knowledge of the American Civil War with this quiz and answer whether the following 10 statements about the conflict are true or false!

1. True or False: The American Civil War began in 1860.

Confederate flag flying over Fort Sumter -- photo from 1861. Image is a detail from a stereoscopic photograph taken by Alma A. Pelot on the morning of April 15, 1861.

Wikimedia CommonsTrueFalse

2. True or False: South Carolina was the first US state to secede from the Union.

The ruins of Mills House and nearby buildings, Charleston, South Carolina, at end of American Civil War. A shell-damaged carriage and the remains of a brick chimney are in the foreground - 1865Wikimedia CommonsTrueFalse

3. True or False: Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States at the beginning and the end of the American Civil War.

Abraham Lincoln, three-quarter length portrait, seated and holding his spectacles and a pencil, 5 Feb 1865

Wikimedia CommonsTrueFalse

4. True or False: About 10% of the US population served in the military during the American Civil War.

Photograph of the assembled officers of the 80th New York Infantry (20th N.Y.S.M.) at their encampment at Culpepper, Virginia. Glass collodion wet negative. The Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 1863Wikimedia CommonsTrueFalse

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