4 Morning Habits That Could Raise Your Risk of Stroke
Strokes are no longer a concern exclusive to older adults; younger individuals are increasingly at risk as well. Recognizing the importance of stroke prevention is crucial, as failing to address early warning signs can lead to severe consequences.
I recently came across a newspaper article highlighting certain morning habits that may unknowingly increase the risk of stroke. Here are some key insights shared by Dr. Nguyen Xuan Quang from the Military Medical Academy, along with advice on how to avoid these risky behaviors.
1. Jumping Out of Bed Too Quickly
It’s common for people to spring out of bed immediately after waking up, but health experts caution against this habit. During sleep, the parasympathetic nervous system keeps the heart rate and blood pressure low. Abruptly standing up activates the sympathetic nervous system, causing a sudden spike in heart rate and blood pressure.
This rapid change can strain delicate blood vessels in the brain, increasing the likelihood of a hemorrhagic stroke.
Solution: Dr. Quang advises lying still for 1–2 minutes after waking up. Gentle massages of the face, head, eyes, and neck can help ease your body into wakefulness before you get out of bed.
2. Drinking Saltwater First Thing in the Morning
Some people start their day with a glass of diluted saltwater, believing it improves oral hygiene and promotes health. However, this habit can have adverse effects.
Excessive salt intake can raise blood pressure, increasing the risk of stroke and kidney issues. Additionally, drinking saltwater on an empty stomach may irritate the stomach lining, potentially leading to inflammation or ulcers.
Solution: Opt for plain water instead of saltwater to hydrate your body after waking up.
3. Exercising Too Early in the Morning
While regular exercise is beneficial, working out before sunrise, especially in cold weather, can pose health risks. Cold temperatures may cause blood vessels to constrict, increasing the risk of cardiovascular issues, heart attacks, and strokes.
For individuals with pre-existing conditions, early-morning workouts can also lead to sleep deprivation and fatigue, further straining the body.
Solution: Schedule your exercise for a slightly later time in the morning when temperatures are more moderate.
4. Drinking Too Much Water at Once
Hydrating in the morning is essential, but consuming large amounts of water in one go can strain the heart. This is particularly risky for individuals with heart conditions, as it may cause rapid heartbeat, breathlessness, or even trigger a stroke.
Solution: Drink around 200–300ml of water after waking up, and sip slowly throughout the morning instead of consuming large amounts at once.
Final Thoughts
Stroke prevention begins with simple daily habits. Being mindful of how you start your day can have a significant impact on your long-term health. Share these insights with your loved ones to help promote a healthier, stroke-free lifestyle.

Pregnant Wife Forced to Work Over 40 Hours and Handle All House Chores

While their house was being renovated, a woman and her fiancé chose to stay at the woman’s sister’s place. During their stay, the woman noticed the complete lack of support her pregnant sister received from her husband. Despite working over 40 hours a week, the pregnant sister also managed all the household chores alone. At Thanksgiving dinner, the woman decided it was time to teach her brother-in-law a lesson.
In November 2021, an anonymous woman posted a touching story on Reddit’s “AITA” forum. The 24-year-old woman shared a story about her 32-year-old sister and her 38-year-old husband, who exemplified weaponized incompetence.
Despite working full-time for over 40 hours a week, managing all household responsibilities, and caring for their four children—10-year-old daughter, 8-year-old son, 5-year-old son, and 3-year-old daughter—while pregnant, her sister’s husband did nothing to help.
The woman was shocked to see her sister wake up at 4 a.m., handle breakfast and chores, and get the kids ready for school while her husband stayed home, worked, and played video games after she picked the children up. Remarkably, the woman noted that her sister earned more than her husband.

What Happened When the Woman and Her Fiancé Stayed with Her Sister?
While their home was being renovated, the woman and her 26-year-old fiancé stayed at her sister’s place for six weeks. Since they worked from home, they could help, and their support made the woman’s sister feel happy and relieved.
The woman helped her sister with the kids, and her fiancé even drove her to doctor’s appointments. In contrast, the husband only acknowledged his parental role when his family was around, pretending to be a god-fearing and hardworking father of five.
Despite the woman’s sister wanting to stop having children after the last baby, her husband insisted on having more boys. The original poster worried not only for her sister but also for her children, especially as the oldest began to notice the situation and tried to help. However, OP’s sister, driven by pride, refused to let her child take on any responsibilities.
OP admitted she never got along with her brother-in-law, and his behavior had been consistent since the birth of his eight-year-old son. Despite discussing the option of leaving, her sister was resistant and feared her children would grow up in a broken home.
Her views on divorce differed from OP’s, as her experience with their parents’ divorce was very different. She believed her kids needed both parents together and was reluctant to consider the potential benefits of a divorce.
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