Things are made with a purpose — they have labels to avoid mix-ups, that ready-to-drink juice box has a special spot to be poked with a straw, there are written statements that make a point, and fixable items, so you don’t always have to buy new ones when they break. Yet somehow some people disregard all of these things and prefer to do things in a more roundabout way. They make you question their motives in your head, but to them it’s just another way to do something.
1. Who needs the holes in the roll when you can make your own?

2. Since the tea and coffee got mixed up, let’s just change the labels.

3. Not so secret after all.

4. Irony is when a magazine about the dangers of plastic is wrapped in plastic.

5. Brands are just labels, right?

6. Turns out the sample is the actual size despite the disclaimer.

7. Who knew that a glue stick and clothes pins belong in the cutlery drawer?
8. Because cutting the carpet is easier than cutting the door.

9. Instead of getting a pre-cut piece, someone scooped a piece near the edge.

10. This engraver went the extra mile and engraved the instructions.

11. A hospital was turned into a crime scene.

12. Makes you wonder what the purpose of the label is.

13. Why poke with the straw when you can turn it into a makeshift cup?

14. Hey, whatever works…

15. It’s not practical, but the phone colors pop.

16. Why use the top when you can open it on the side?

17. Solar energy plates being shaded from the sun.

18. Setting a new fashion trend.

19. Fixing a broken clock by placing a new one on top

Which of the pictures above reminds you of what you or someone you know has done before? Can you think of more things that people do that do not make sense? Tag anyone you know who follows their own rules!
Taylor Swift is being accused of removing the famous artist from the Super Bowl seat

Kanye West apparently intended to upstage Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl but the pop superstar torpedoed his plan at Ieast, that’s what one former NFL star is claiming.
Brandon Marshall who played in the league from 2006-2018 for a number of teams made the shocking allegation on his “Paper Route” podcast this week explaining that he’d heard Ye purposeIy purchased seats right in front of Tay Tay’s suite for the Big Game.
According to this purported tea the idea, it seems, was an attempt to photobomb all her inevitable TV appearances. On its face, it comes across as a good old-fashioned spite effort.
However, the ex-All-Pro receiver explained the alleged scheme never came to fruition as Swift made “a call or two” to have Ye kicked out of Allegiant Stadium entirely that’s what Brandon’s cIaiming anyway.
Take it all with a grain of salt, but considering how polarizing Ye has been recently and Swift being the non-athlete face of the SB champs this season it doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility the league may have nudged KW to somewhere a little more Iow-key.
It’s also hard to say with any certainty whether she actually got him fully kicked out or not, as Brandon suggests here especially if he bought a ticket lawfully and by the book.
In any case BM sounds 100% confident that he’s breaking news with the world here. Also worth noting TMZ spoke with Ye for several minutes on Monday and he onIy mentioned Swift in a pretty lukewarm manner.
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