19 People Who Have Broken All the Laws of Logic

Things are made with a purpose — they have labels to avoid mix-ups, that ready-to-drink juice box has a special spot to be poked with a straw, there are written statements that make a point, and fixable items, so you don’t always have to buy new ones when they break. Yet somehow some people disregard all of these things and prefer to do things in a more roundabout way. They make you question their motives in your head, but to them it’s just another way to do something.

1. Who needs the holes in the roll when you can make your own?

2. Since the tea and coffee got mixed up, let’s just change the labels.

3. Not so secret after all.

4. Irony is when a magazine about the dangers of plastic is wrapped in plastic.

5. Brands are just labels, right?

6. Turns out the sample is the actual size despite the disclaimer.

7. Who knew that a glue stick and clothes pins belong in the cutlery drawer?


8. Because cutting the carpet is easier than cutting the door.

9. Instead of getting a pre-cut piece, someone scooped a piece near the edge.

10. This engraver went the extra mile and engraved the instructions.

11. A hospital was turned into a crime scene.

12. Makes you wonder what the purpose of the label is.

13. Why poke with the straw when you can turn it into a makeshift cup?

14. Hey, whatever works…

15. It’s not practical, but the phone colors pop.

16. Why use the top when you can open it on the side?

17. Solar energy plates being shaded from the sun.

18. Setting a new fashion trend.

19. Fixing a broken clock by placing a new one on top

Which of the pictures above reminds you of what you or someone you know has done before? Can you think of more things that people do that do not make sense? Tag anyone you know who follows their own rules!

My Boss Terminated Me for Wearing Thrift Store Attire – My Colleagues Came to My Defense and Delivered a Powerful Lesson

When the company owner barged in and abruptly fired me for wearing second-hand clothes, my world imploded. Little did I know, my co-workers were planning an act that would turn everything around and emphasize the true strength of our workplace community.

Never did I think that buying clothes from a thrift store would cost me my job. But life’s full of surprises, especially when you’re a single mother struggling to make ends meet.

It began like any other Tuesday morning. I was at my desk, taking calls and welcoming clients with my usual cheer. The office buzzed with its routine hustle — keys clacking, printers working, and the aroma of fresh coffee in the air.

Kate from HR peeked around the corner. “Hey Claire, how are the kids?”

“Oh, you know,” I chuckled. “Sophie’s engrossed in her science project, and Noah’s set on memorizing every dinosaur name.”

Kate smiled. “Sounds like you have your hands full.”

“Always,” I said. “But I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

Just then, the elevator chimed. The doors opened to reveal a familiar face I hadn’t seen in over a year — Victor, the company owner.

Panic surged through me. I quickly stood, smoothing my thrift store blouse. “Good morning, Mr. Harrison! Welcome back!”

Victor’s eyes narrowed at me, his expression hardening. “What are you wearing?”

I glanced at my outfit, puzzled. “I — ”

“Is this how you present yourself to our clients?” he demanded loudly. “In these… these rags?”

The office fell silent, every eye on us.

“Mr. Harrison, I — ”

“No excuses,” he interrupted. “A receptionist’s attire should reflect our brand. You’re terminated. Leave immediately.”

My world spun. “But sir, I’m a single mom. I can’t — ”

“Out!” he shouted. “Now!”

Tears stung as I gathered my belongings. Kate tried to intervene, but Victor silenced her with a glare.

The drive home was a blur. How would I explain this to Sophie and Noah? How would we survive? I unlocked our apartment door, and there they were — my little warriors.

Sophie instantly knew something was wrong. “Mom, what happened?”

I hugged them close, the smell of grape juice and play-doh soothing me. “I lost my job today, sweethearts.”

Noah hugged me tighter. “It’s okay, Mommy. We still love you.”

I stifled a sob. “I love you too, munchkins. So much.”

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