Тhе Тruth Аbоut Jоhn Тrаvоltа is Оut in thе Ореn

In his recent tell-all book, former high-ranking Scientology member Mike Rinder reveals sh.ocking details about the church’s efforts to cover up John Travolta’s alleged homosexuality. Rinder claims he witnessed Travolta kissing a male masseuse and engaging in intimate activities with him. The Church of Scientology reportedly launched аggrеssivе PR campaigns and legal actions to suppress these rumors, fearing they would damage Travolta’s image as a heterosexual family man and reflect poorly on the church.

Despite decades of rumors and accusations, Travolta, married to actress Kelly Preston, has maintained a public persona of heterosexuality. Former Scientology executives suggest Preston may have been aware of the rumors but chose to ignore them, influenced by the church’s teachings to dismiss negative media claims. Travolta’s allegiance to Scientology, supported by Preston’s devout beliefs and the church’s backing, may have contributed to his prolonged secrecy.

These revelations highlight Scientology’s control over its members, including prominent figures likе Travolta, and their efforts to manipulate public perception to protect their interests. Travolta’s alleged double life and the church’s concealment efforts underscore the complex dynamics within Scientology and their lengths to maintain a facade of perfection.

In 1965, a powerful warning was broadcast to the world; 54 years later, it has unfortunately become a reality.

Paul Harvey, the iconic news commentator and radio pioneer, captivated millions of Americans with his unique delivery style, reaching over 24 million listeners at his peak. His words always carried weight, but no one could have predicted just how prophetic one of his speeches would become.

Today, when I reread his famous broadcast from 1965, I was struck by how eerily relevant it is to our present times.

The speech, titled “If I Were the Devil,” was first aired on April 3, 1965. In it, Harvey imagines what he would do if he were the Devil, detailing a cunning strategy to lead society astray. Sadly, many of the warnings he issued back then reflect the very struggles we face today.

EVERYONE should listen to this. Paul Harvey was alarmingly accurate 54 years ago.

In his fictional narrative, Harvey, as the Devil, outlines how he would whisper lies to people, corrupt young minds, and undermine moral foundations. He speaks of a world where values are flipped upside down, where faith is diminished, and materialism reigns. He envisions a society where chaos spreads through drugs, media, and weakening family bonds.

Listening to it again, it’s hard not to feel a chill as you realize how much of what he predicted has come to pass.

I grew up hearing Paul Harvey on the radio with my mom in the 1970s, and now, more than ever, his words seem to ring true. Everything he warned of 54 years ago seems to be happening now

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